--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> > 
> > If you want to know what most of us British *actually* think 
> > you should have joined me at work where nobody even mentioned 
> > it and at lunch with friends where nobody even mentioned it 
> > and now at my folks for a family meal, where nobody has even
> > mentioned it.
> You know, I don't really think that the people at your
> place of work, the friends you had lunch with, and your
> folks add up to "most of us British."

Really? The people I saw today are quite representative I'd
say, everyone from a landscape gardener to a career civil 
servant in the Home Office via a chartered designer a 
lawyer and a photographer or two. 

Oh, and my facebook page was more full of anarchist jokes than
usual. Not that anyone I know would ever wish anyone harm of 
course, and the happy couple are accorded the same good wishes 
every new parent gets. But.....

> > That most would keep the monarchy doesn't mean they give
> > a toss about it. I don't know anyone that would notice
> > (or care) if they all disappeared overnight but would probably
> > keep the status quo for fear of ending up a republic, but that's
> > a big difference to Bastille day. 
> > 
> > Apparently three-quarters of Brits want to 
> > > retain the monarchy and have for decades. Pollsters
> > > describe it as "probably the most stable trend we have
> > > ever measured." And it doesn't seem to have much of
> > > anything to do with tourism dollars.
> > > 
> > > Me, I've been a huge fan of the queen ever since I
> > > first read about her preparations for the coronation
> > > in Life magazine in 1952, when she was only 26 years
> > > old. She couldn't exactly make a silk purse out of 
> > > the sow's ear of a life she was handed, but she made
> > > it the best damn sow's ear she possibly could. She
> > > is one tough broad.
> > 
> > Oh well, better give her another palace then.
> Oh, what a stinging quip. So insightful.

Chuckle, well she did get a £50,000,000 pay rise last year,
while the rest of us struggle to pay the bills.

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