Ann, I wish I had written this incisive analysis. You
have done the impossible: You have actually managed to
nail Jell-O to the wall.

Deep bow.

--- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to re-answer this. I was originally asking the 
> Almighty Barry for his feedback but I appreciate yours. Let's see if I can 
> make any sense of it and, in turn, offer something that appeals to your 
> sensibility.
> --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > ---awoelflebater wrote (July 27):
> > 
> > > Teacher, teacher, my hand is up, pick me.
> > 
> > > *What can you say about the button pushers of the world?
> > 
> > Probably not much. Because the human nervous system responds to situations 
> > in a stimulus response pattern, basically all our activity revolves around 
> > button pushing. You are just codifying certain types of stimulus response 
> > that functions at a more mentally conceptual level and which you interpret 
> > as annoying.
> You see, here is the most important point. Barry has only pushed my "buttons" 
> once. That is when he was foaming at the mouth about "stupid cunts". Other 
> than that he only imagines he pushes my buttons. I have very sticky buttons 
> that are not only tricky to find but trickier to actually depress. So all 
> this time he claims he is pushing buttons but I am sorry to have to admit to 
> him that this is not so. I don't ever take Barry personally nor do I take him 
> seriously therefore I am immune to him. But, as with anyone, if he becomes a 
> big enough asshole I will call him on it because that is what I do.
> > 
> > > *What motivates them?
> > 
> > Don't know. Desire is pretty spontaneous, it wells up inside and then takes 
> > form. Motivation is a post hoc attempt to explain this particularly defined 
> > annoying behaviour. There could be many explanations. Perhaps a person 
> > wants attention; or just wants to see what happens; or maybe is unaware to 
> > a large extent of how what they do affects others.
> You may be right. Whatever it is, it is an indicator of something. I imagine 
> that if people get off pushing, or imagining they are pushing, the buttons of 
> others that it is just a form of sadism. It is also a clue that this person 
> thinks they can control and that other people are controllable. This, in 
> turn, makes me think button pushers are bullies or have been bullied.
> > 
> > > *What overriding character trait must a button pusher possess in order to 
> > > want to push people's buttons?
> > 
> > They must have a human nervous system, but 'character trait' is an attempt 
> > to create a definition for a certain kind of behaviour.
> "Character trait" is simply describing or attributing a characteristic of 
> someone's actions to something else. You can play the objective, 
> disassociated party all you want Xeno, but bottom line, different people have 
> different characters and different traits that go along with those 
> characters. We are not some nebulous, miasma floating around in some 
> indefinable goo. We have edges and colours and definition. On some level we 
> are not just some abstract Absolute; a part of us actually exists and 
> functions and has substance.
>  >In the US, Democrats push Republican buttons and vice versa. You could 
> reverse the argument and ask what character trait does a button pushee have 
> that allows them to get their buttons pushed? Among these would be a 
> characteristic that one possess a system of belief that does not accurately 
> represent reality. When a discrepancy in this conglomerate of beliefs is 
> pointed out, the button gets pushed. There are also non-conceptual buttons, 
> such as being tickled if you are ticklish. I think the main characteristic 
> falls on we who get our buttons pushed. By blaming someone else, we don't 
> have to clean our own house.
> Come onnnn. You are human, are you not? I mean, I think you are but you don't 
> act human at least half of the time. You speak in complete abstractions. 
> These abstractions, in turn, end up being meaningless because they aren't 
> actually focused or therefore relevant. You also seem to believe that if 
> someone reacts or even interacts with another that somehow this indicates 
> that their buttons have been pushed. This is simply not so. Just because some 
> people can be odiously assholish doesn't mean they have pushed buttons. It 
> means they probably prompted someone to call them on their lying or their 
> misrepresentation or their shortsightedness. There are those who exist to try 
> and piss others off as if this is somehow a worthy cause. I guess I need a 
> definition of "button" from you because it seems like you are perceiving 
> anyone who takes exception to lies or rudeness is somehow to blame for 
> something. Take a look at your last sentence in the paragraph above.
> > 
> > Button pushing does get out of hand in human civilisation. War is the best 
> > example. The divergence in conceptual thinking is so great, the only way to 
> > eliminate it is to remove one or both sides of the equation. Look at what 
> > happened recently in Egypt.
> I would venture to say that the escalation toward war would be best described 
> as something other than "button pushing". There has to be a far more powerful 
> set of forces congealing together in order to crescendo into what we define 
> as war. Pushing buttons is the stuff of web forums and schoolyards.
> > 
> > > *Does a button pusher ever admit to themselves that perhaps what they 
> > > call button pushing is merely an unsavoury character trait possessed by 
> > > the button pusher that others take a disliking to?
> > 
> > Maybe they do and maybe they do not. But by putting the onus on another 
> > person, you do not see that it takes two to tango.
> Not always. There is often the instigator, the one who begins the volley. 
> What the other does with the ball that lands in their court is something 
> else. There can be an onus; life is not always this hazy, grey indefinable 
> mush as you seem to indicate here. People really can offend, can splatter a 
> bag of shit in someone's face. Theoretical is not real life, Xeno.
> > 
> > > *Is this 'reaction' ever valid or warranted by the pushees? 
> > 
> > First of all it happens. What happens and how the pushee responds and 
> > evaluates, and how the pushee feels their response is warranted or valid 
> > depends on their internal world view. The button pusher probably does not 
> > share that world view, and in their mind, the stimulus is both warranted 
> > and valid.
> Perhaps. I think some button pushers just do it because it makes them happy, 
> gives them smug satisfaction. Button pushers must lack excitement, 
> stimulation in their lives as evidenced by the fact that they have to create 
> petty drama and draw attention to themselves as a result. In Barry's case he 
> sucks it towards himself then pretends he isn't getting off on it. He is 
> constantly masterbating under the covers.
> > 
> > > *And finally teacher, what does is say about a person who sits by and 
> > > allows others to throw shit around the room and not get up and at least 
> > > leave or, better still, confront the shit thrower?
> > 
> > Some of us are our brother's keeper, and some of us are not. It is a fluid 
> > social situation. This situation does not exist if the stimulus response is 
> > restricted to just the two - the button pusher, and the person with 
> > buttons. The people closest to you, like family, probably know more about 
> > how to push your buttons than anyone. When there is a group, battle lines 
> > may be drawn. It tends to happen here on FFL.
> I am not sure how this relates to my question.
> > 
> > The tendency to defend another may be a function of how defenseless a 
> > button pushee is in relation to those who push. When I was in middle 
> > school, there was a retarded kid who would get flack from the bully types. 
> > I felt a tendency to get between them and at the very least not make fun of 
> > the kid, which is actually difficult at that age - peer pressure and all. I 
> > think the family of that boy wanted him to go to school in as normal an 
> > environment as possible, or perhaps could not afford a special school. It 
> > must have been some kind of special dispensation, because the boy could not 
> > perform at the grade level he had been placed in.
> > 
> > Even if we fail, the onus is on us to be a strong as possible in the face 
> > of adversity.
> > 
> > If worse comes to worse, you just have to kill the bastard(s) or die 
> > yourself. (Sometimes they are bitches.)
> Well, I think in this situation (we are only talking about Barry, after all) 
> that won't be necessary. A well placed jab to the metaphorical solar plexus 
> is all that's usually required. 
> >

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