Aw, please don't fret, Bee, Judy will be back before you know it! Only four 
more days, actually, and you can continue your near-eternal, comfy, cozy 
obsession. She knows you miss her, and want her. 

Really touching the way you think about her constantly, always thinking of new 
ways to describe her, counting her posts, attempting to quote the very words 
she writes. 

Do you know you are the ONLY ONE here, out of this thousand-plus member forum, 
who has even mentioned her NAME, since she left last week?? Now, THAT is 

Oh Bee, you are *so* smitten! A heartwarming thing to see. Boy is it going to 
feel GOOD when she returns, oui? 

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > BTW, my grandfather was the Deputy Athletic Commissioner for 
> > the State of Missouri.
> > It was really just a figure head title, but he did have to 
> > sanction every wrestling event in St. Louis. And he was a 
> > somewhat, (quite a lot actually) self aggrandizing individual, 
> > so he always took plenty of pictures of himself with every 
> > wrestler.  And these were some of the bigger names like Hulk 
> > Hogan, Andre the Giant, Lou Thez, Junkyard Dog, and many 
> > others...
> Junkyard Dog? Judy Stein was once a pro wrestler?  :-)

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