--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Well said, salyavin.
> As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
> waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
> the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
> channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
> had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
> and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.
> Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
> much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
> fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
> real lifestyle.
> I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
> pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
> lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
> real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
> believe they're geniuses.
> If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
> *remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
> Fairfield itself.
> Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
> that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
> time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
> not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.

I have never seen "Glee" since I have much better things to do than sit and 
watch television but I am sure Share could give us all characters and names of 
Glee cast members that each one of us most resemble, just like DM! Who do you 
think you might be? 

Were you actually anybody in high school or did you not attend? Did you go to 
HS in the US or somewhere else? I was living in England at the time of high 
school which was very cool (St John's Wood) but had the misfortune to be 
transferred back to the Chicago area for grades 11 and 12. I hated it so much I 
designed my course load to end by 12 noon every day so I could get out of 
there. Then I did so many accelerated courses that I was able to graduate a 
semester early and hightail it back to England. One thing though, my US high 
school was incredibly good scholastically so that made up for it. However, it 
was hardly gleeful. Maybe you should be happy you can now be a part of the high 
school you may have missed as a teenager because you currently have FFL! Maybe 
Share can give you a stereotypical high school/FFL character that you could 
be/that you already are. Share?
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > >
> > > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > > it would be.
> > >
> > > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> meditated?
> >
> > Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> > at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> > you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> > rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> > the wider movement.
> >
> > > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
> people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> >
> > The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> > say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> > as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> > don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> > with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> >
> > I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> > getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> > keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> > even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> > dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> > for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> >
> > > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
> shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
> uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
> due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> >
> > This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> > been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> > have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> > Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> > in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> > you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> > isn't it?
> >
> > > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make
> the world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same
> resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a
> better Internet?
> > >
> > > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> >
> > It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
> > see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
> > something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are
> either a great thinker to start with, or you aren't.
> >
> > Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
> > a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got
> brainwashed by the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and
> speculative claims about physics as certain other "scientists"
> > I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this
> regard. Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> >
> > > L
> > >
> >

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