On 08/11/2013 09:29 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> On 08/11/2013 03:18 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>> Very. Hollywood, which despite the claims of conservatives
>> shies away from overtly liberal movies, has poured $100 million
>> into the production of a film that has been called by those who
>> have seen it "a futuristic version of Occupy Wall Street."
>> http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/elysium-science-fiction-tricked-hollywo\
>> od-into-making-the-years-most-radical-film
>> <http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/elysium-science-fiction-tricked-hollyw\
>> ood-into-making-the-years-most-radical-film>
>> I look forward to seeing it. Neil Blomkamp's previous movie
>> "District 9" was one of the best scifi movies I've ever seen, and
>> for the same reason. It portrays things that are *already going
>> on around us* (in that film, rounding up "aliens" and herding
>> them into camps to await deportation, which has happened
>> in the UK and other countries; in this film, the disparity of
>> health care available to the 1% vs. that available to the 99%),
>> and makes it -- if anything -- *more believable* by setting it
>> in a by-definition-unbelievable futuristic setting.
>> This is what great science fiction has been doing since its
>> invention. H.G. Wells wrote about social injustice and inequity
>> that was happening *in his own time*, but made it palatable
>> to the masses by setting it in the future. So did Jonathan Swift,
>> in "Gulliver's Travels."
>> T'would seem that Neil Blomkamp is following in the footsteps
>> of the masters. And good for him. His film is expected to be #1
>> at the box office this week. Not bad for a leftist, radical movie.
> I probably will see it on Tuesday afternoon.  I was a fan of "District
> 9" though I've read reviews that suggest there may need to be a
> "director's cut" of Elysium.  Apparently too much action probably
> dictated by studio goons.
> And Alex Jones went to see the first showing Thursday night at 10 PM and
> declared it a "racist film".  Sounds like poor Alex is preparing to move
> to Idaho from Texas because he thought the film was "anti white."
> Infowars.com has changed their comments to Disqus (guess they don't
> think it is a CIA run operation) so my Bhairitu Disqus account works
> there to stir things up a bit on some their lame articles.  I have
> company though because it's not all conservatives posting.  I wonder
> what his new co-host Jakari Jackson thinks about Alex's review since
> Jakari is black and BTW has a great radio voice.
> And Jones might be a little flummoxed by Matt Damon saying the other day
> that he has "broken up" with Obama.
> On another forum someone posted they weren't going to see the film
> because it might brainwash them into being a communist.  See how dumb
> Americans have become?
> I'm looking forward to the film.  The last film I saw in a theater was
> "Oblivion".  Skipped the rest of this summer's disasters. There's plenty
> to watch streaming and cheap disc rentals as well as some good summer TV
> series (for a change).

Though it was #1 it still didn't do so well at the box office. Hollywood 
needs to boot their pedigreed execs for people who understand the 
entertainment industry and economics.  If people don't have money they 
prefer to eat than seeing a movie in a theater.

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