Bhairitu, with regards to both the cost of movies and how some people act in 
theaters, all I can say is that I'm glad I'm in the relatively harmless 
midwest. And I don't see how people afford even basics in the big cities, much 
less entertainment. It all seems so out of balance. Sad really, but maybe part 
of a bigger cycle.

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Perceptive film review

On 08/11/2013 01:42 PM, Share Long wrote:
> Bhairitu, when I went to see DMe2, there was a rugrat (so much for my 
> maternal instincts!) kicking my seat from behind. So I moved one over. 
> Somehow, the little darling still found a way to kick my seat now and then. 
> Maybe I was laughing too much.

A friend who went to see a matinee tells a story about a mom and her 
kids at a movie talking and kicking her seat.  When she turned around 
and told them to stop kicking the mom got up and came over and slugged her.

My nephew went to a movie where some teen were being noisy so went to 
the lobby and asked for them to be thrown out which they were. When he 
left they were waiting outside and jumped him.

The last time I went to the theater in Concord it was to see the Ashley 
Judd indie movie by William Friedkin. Not a film for mindless teens but 
a teenage boy and a couple of girls came and sat down two rows in front 
of me (apparently after having seen another film), played with their 
phones and talked incessantly.  You don't know how close I got to 
getting up, going over the row of seats in front of me and kicking the 
boy in the head.  This is why I think of most of the human race as pond 
scum and see plenty of evidence of it everyday.

> If only they had healthy stuff to eat and drink, I wouldn't mind paying high 
> prices. But I don't dare get extra *butter.* And of course with sodas, you 
> might as well inject the sugar right into your veins!

Some of the theaters around here serve more than popcorn.  There have 
been some "dinner" movie theaters I've been to where they served wine, 
beer, pizza and pasta.  Great fun!

OTOH, I went to a theater with relatives in Berkeley on the 4th of July 
which was not a dinner theater and some guy proceeded to bring in a box 
lunch of fried chicken munching away at it during the film and annoying 
> The first time I went to the movies *with* my best friend, she informed me, 
> as we walked into the theater, that she likes to sit alone during a movie so 
> she can get totally absorbed in it! Plus it turned out she and I have 
> different taste in movies: she got me to see Mamma Mia!

I'm curious if my friend who just had a kid is going to come by and want 
to see Elysium since his wife doesn't like those kind of movies and 
probably wants to give him a bit of a break.  Now if he can stay awake 
through it is another matter.  He had trouble with that before he was 
married. :-D

> Yay, I'm not a narcissist!
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 2:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Perceptive film review
> I live in the burbs.  The matinee is $7.25.  Small popcorn is $4.25 and
> small drink $3.50.  So you wind up spending $15 if you get all that.
> The senior price is also $7.25 but I don't want to huddle with the
> masses.  I don't like stinky tennies on the top of the seat next to me
> or people getting up during the film.  Usually at the matinee depending
> on the auditorium I sit right under the projection booth window so there
> is no moron kicking my seat behind me.  I still see narcissists checking
> their phones during the movies though. :-D
> On 08/11/2013 10:29 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> Bhairitu, here in the heartland it costs $6 for a senior like me to see a 
>> movie (-: And a small popcorn is another $4.25. I can just imagine what it 
>> costs in the big cities. And if you're with your family or on a date, yep, 
>> you'll be eating PB& J sandwiches for the rest of the week!


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