"Potato chips are a non-essential foodstuff" - Blasphemy!!

Know whatcha mean about the prices, though. Lots of times, I'll try a store 
brand - Lucky's is really good, one of the best. I shop like a damned hawk - 
try to get everything I buy on sale - who cares what kind of OJ it is? As for 
all the additives in processed food, I hope my body forgives me!

I like Gordon-Biersch too, also Sapporo, Long Board, and Michelob. Los Gatos 
Brewing Co. has some good beer, too, though I don't think they bottle it. 

Given your genes, have you tried making beer?  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 08/16/2013 09:13 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> > I was in Target last night, buying protein drinks, OJ, milk, and beer, plus 
> > whatever my daughter wanted. They don't have great deals on beer, but a 12 
> > pack of Tecate cans was ten bucks, so I bought one.
> >
> > I really enjoy a good potato chip, too. Mostly I eat them without any dip, 
> > and without the BBQ or Sour Cream flavoring. Best brand I've found are Utz, 
> > made in Pennsylvania (not available in California - frowny face)- not 
> > overly greasy, enough salt, and the chips are large AND unbroken (this is 
> > key). Whenever I buy a bag, I tenderly remove it from its confining and 
> > potentially damaging, grocery bag, with the other items, and set it aside, 
> > usually on its own seat, that it might remain pristine on the ride home.
> >
> > So I take my potato chips seriously. Imagine my surprise - delighted and 
> > horrified at the same time, to see at Target, in their, "weird, cheap 
> > stuff" section, at the front of the store, I saw Lay's brand potato chips. 
> > Flavor: "Chicken and Waffles"!!!!!!!!
> >
> > Chicken and Waffles flavored potato chips!! So Out There! Loved the 
> > concept, though not enough to actually buy the bag. I would have, because I 
> > am a waffle fan, but not at all of chicken - red meat rocks, but "chicken" 
> > says it all.:-)
> >
> > Maybe next visit, though - I am dying to see what they taste like!
> >
> >
> Potato chips are a non-essential foodstuff so I like to use them as a 
> measure of inflation.  The real WTF is the price of a bag of them 
> nowadays.  They're cheap to make and Lay's makes out like bandits on the 
> stuff at today's inflation rate.  Bet there is MSG in that "chicken and 
> waffles" too in a day in age where companies are starting to put "NO 
> MSG" on their packages and even "NO HFCS".  The MSG makes the chicken 
> flavor taste more "meaty."
> I haven't indulged this summer but my favorite beer is the local 
> Gordon-Biersch Martzen.  And for wine l like our local winery's cabernet 
> savignon.  FYI, one of my ancestors was a brew master.

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