--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> 11. Violate any of these rules if you're a good enough -- or funny
> enough -- writer to get away with it.
> I mention this rule because I've finally got the time to finish reading
> Christopher Moore's "Sacre Bleu" and my sides ache from laughing. If
> some editor who'd never written a publishable word in his or her life
> but who considered himself/herself an expert anyway had convinced him to
> "kill his darlings," the book would be one-third the length it is, and
> one-twentieth as funny.

A good editor, of course, wouldn't tell a writer to murder
any of his or her darlings that made the book better; and
a good writer would never go along with a bad editor's
telling him or her to do so.

BTW, an editor can be an "expert" on writing without being
a writer him- or herself. It's really only hack writers with
excessively inflated egos who don't understand this.

> Chris definitely knows the truth of "If you're
> not having fun [writing], you're doing it wrong."

Sure are a lot of first-class writers doing it wrong,

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