On 8/31/2013 2:54 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

On 08/31/2013 12:04 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 8/31/2013 1:46 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Which I predict it won't. Will he go ahead anyway? So why is Obama on
the side of the rebels? They are al-Qaeda. We truly are living in an
Orwellian world.

This is just a silly argument - everyone knows that the President
isn't on the side of al Qaeda - you're not even making any sense.

Let me help you. Obama wants to bomb Assad not the rebels. That puts him on the side of the rebels. Political pundits say it is a lose/lose situation so the US should stay out. What essentially you have is a Syrian civil war.

However think tanks have recommended that a world war would probably fix the US economy. Probably true since you can't have much of an economy if the US is a bombed out parking lot.

Wow, who would a thunk that Willy would be an Obama fan.  Go figure.
To not approve of Obama's Syria plan is racist, just like your assertion
that the problems in Syria are the fault of a Jewish Cabal.

Because of the delay, now Obama will have to do something even more
dramatic.  John Kerry fully support the President.

Bill Clinton saved Kosovo without the United Nations. Hillary Clinton
will most likely be the next U.S. President and she fully supports
Obama. You're just going to have to deal with it.

You seem to be the only libertarian left on the forum. Go figure.

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