Michael Jackson:
> You idiot - have you ever considered taking a course 
> in reading comprehension? 
So, we are agreed that you are prejudiced against Hindus. 

> My point is not about Indians on skins, but about men 
> who claim to be enlightened or close to it having to 
> fret about the vibes in the chair they want to sit on.
Addressing the important issues!

Lot's of men all over the world sit on skins and proclaim 
themselves enlightened and then fret about the vibes in 
their chair.

Everyone sits on skins and every body is a skin boy. If 
you didn't have skin to sit on, you'd be just a skeleton 
like Jeffery Petersen on Craig Ferguson.

I mean, it's not like you don't have your own myths and 
superstitions to live by, such as the anti-GMO myth,
and the global warming myth. Go figure.

You probably even shake hands with other people and 
salute the U.S. flag at ball games. LoL!

> If they are enlightened by Marshy's definition, where 
> they are in sync with all the laws of nature, then the 
> energy of their enlightened asses should purify any 
> and all vibes they come into contact with. 

> > ...the skin boy idea is ludicrous but not surprising, 
> > I mean if a man is a yogi, a realized master what the 
> > heck does he have to worry about what kind of vibe 
> > exists where he is sitting?
> >
> Addressing the important issues!
> Your comments on Indians sitting on skins is probably 
> just a prejudice against Hindus, not surprisingly.
> Sitting on skins originated with the ancient shamans 
> of Siberia and later the habit was imported into 
> Northern India by the Sanskrit speaking Aryans. It's a 
> custom at least 10,000 years old. 
> And it makes perfect sense - when you're sitting around 
> together it's natural to sit on a skin or two, or on a 
> leather horse saddle. Remember, oriental carpets weren't 
> invented yet.
> A skin is really just a blanket for covering or a type 
> of insulation when sitting on the ground. There's 
> nothing specificaly religious about it - it's just a 
> custom of simple country people who don't have fancy
> wooden rocking chairs like you big city folk do.  LoL!
> Have you ever considered taking a history course at a 
> community college?

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