Lawson, turq and Xeno, having done only TTC phase 1, my understanding is that 
there are 2 conditions for the session to be considered correct TM: having 
closed the eyes, a person has to *pick up* the mantra; a person has to continue 
*picking up* the mantra whenever they become aware that they are off it. 
Whatever else happens whether thoughts, emotions or sensations, is correct TM. 
What is not correct TM is trying to have the mantra at a certain level of 
clarity or a certain number of times.

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Describing 
Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

What do you mean you use a mantra during TM?

What does that MEAN?

My experience is that what I call "mantra" in one TM session may or may not be 
like "mantra" in another.

Characterizing it as even a "thought" is probably misleading by most people's 
standards as they have a very specific idea of what "thought" means.


After all this time, what do you mean by "mantra" in the context of TM?


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