Ahhh, Livingston Manor - I did my first sidhis bloc there, Messrs Big Bopper 
Bevan and John Cowhig were officiating as TM Sidhi Administrators. 

Bevan was not fat then, in fact looked like a surfer, narrow waist, broad 
shoulders. It was January, cold as hell, they had just had a major snow and ice 
storm that knocked out their electricity, destroyed one of their well pumps, 
lots of the pipes in the place froze, staff had to put 50 gallon drums of water 
in the halls and we each had plastic buckets to dip into the drums to haul 
water to flush our toilets. 

Food was quite good as I recall - they even had a Southern boy on cooking staff 
who one day served up grits for breakfast. All the Yankees had no idea what 
they were or what to do with them. Only complaint I had about it was he used 
white grits instead of yaller grits.

The guy who was running the place, I can't remember his name but I saw his 
picture on some TM stuff recently - I think he's a raja or works somehow for 
the Global Country of World Peace. 

Anyway he got really tick off at us - we had to wait for our first sutras for 
longer than we were supposed to due to technical incompetence on Bevan and 
John's part. When we finally got them, they were of course through video/audio 
tape. After one of the girls on the course was bitching about us not actually 
seeing marshy and said so in "public" - in the dining hall and folks heard - so 
we got chewed out big time for not honoring our agreement to not say nothing 
about our instruction.

That was also the place I saw the "Be a Superman, Be a Sidha-man!" poster that 
I would love to have one of now. Good times. 

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" <doctordumb...@rocketmail.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor

About three years, total. In rural settings; Livingston Manor, NY and twice 
near Waverly, MO. I enjoyed it for awhile. My last stint, though, was to 
evaluate whether or not I would go on to TTC. Thankfully, I made the right 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I am sure I have cognitive overload or dissonance or something from all the 
years I did TM, I missed you working for the Movement - when and where did work 
for them? And did you enjoy it?

 From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 12:47 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor

And you too, MJ, are a fine fella.  I never actually saw, or met, Maharishi, 
and stopped working for his org in 1982. I did watch a LOT of tapes and read 
his Gita translation several times. Probably went on twenty Residence Courses. 
Practiced the TMSP from 1980 to 1993-ish. Did TM from 1975, on. Other than 
that, it has just been plain hard work, discrimination, and focus. My rosy 
colored glasses fell off at some point along the way, and I don't wear 
contacts, either.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>I suggest you read the interview and then make comments - as much as I like 
>Doc, he is still wearing rosy colored glasses where maree-chee and company are 
>concerned. But he's a fine feller anyway.
> From: "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:42 AM
>Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>Jesus, you people! Let's shoot the messenger - Kapor realized what was being 
>>offered was not what was advertised. He put all his hopes and dreams into 
>>Marshy and his bogus teachings and went on straighten himself out and become 
>>a mover and shaker in computer and internet technology. I take my hat off to 
>>him. No reason to revile him and his experience just because he tells it like 
>>it is.
>>I don't revile anyone for leaving the Movement or who became disillusioned or 
>>even bitter about their experience there. I was just making a general 
>>statement about naive expectations when it comes to those who expect the 
>>world for very little effort. I didn't even read the interview, I was 
>>addressing what the Doc was saying.
>> From: "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...>
>>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:36 PM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor
>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>Interesting that these people that get so bent out of shape about TM, are 
>>>the ones that put all their eggs in that one basket, expecting Easter, and 
>>>candy treats from then on. It's a technique, people, not some panacea for 
>>>life itself. It doesn't stop the hard work being done, or the sometimes 
>>>uncomfortable looking at ourselves in the mirror. WTF did you expect? No 
>>>free lunch on this planet, no matter who you are, or what you do.
>>>Absolutely Doc. I have been wanting to say this for a long time now and you 
>>>just did - perfectly. If someone is let down, disappointed, left feeling 
>>>cheated or bereft then look to yourselves, people. There is no magic pill 
>>>for happiness, fulfillment or anything else and if you think MMY indicated 
>>>this then you read it all wrong. Great things come with great effort. 
>>>Period. You have to spend years, sweat buckets, will yourself silly and 
>>>desire it with everything you've got. And this is just the start. Anything 
>>>that comes too easily is either not worth it or will not be appreciated for 
>>>what it truly is. People need to stop whining, take responsibility for being 
>>>naive. You should have doubted MMY if you felt he indicated heaven would be 
>>>yours by merely closing your eyes twice a day for 20 mins. It could never be 
>>>so and if you believed it you have only yourself to blame. 
>>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>>Mitchell Kapor, Founder of Lotus Software on TM
>>>>Tricycle: It seems that the material you’ve been involved with has 
addressed internal and external freedom and an entrenched wariness of 
authoritarian rule. Is this perspective influenced or affirmed by your 
experience with the Maharishi? [His full name is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.]
>>>>Kapor: My dislike for authoritarian structures goes back as far as I 
can remember in my childhood. If I could remember past lives, I’m sure 
my memories would extend there too. But my experiences in Transcendental 
Meditation ultimately really deepened my commitment to 
>>>>Tricycle: How did you get involved in TM?
>>>>Kapor: Well, my experience was typical for my generation. I had 
gotten to college in the 60′s and started experimenting with marijuana 
and psychedelics, fairly heavily. I had some distressing experiences 
with LSD. Bad trips. So I stopped doing drugs and then started getting 
acid flashbacks. I decided to give meditation a serious try to see if 
that could have some calming effect. I got hooked in to TM and 
eventually made the decision to go through advanced training to become 
an initiator, an instructor.
>>>>Tricycle: How long did you stay involved with TM?
>>>>Kapor: I was involved for seven years. It all ultimately came to a 
head in 1976. The movement went into a new phase and Maharishi started 
talking about siddhis, powers, and techniques for doing levitation and 
other things. This created so much cognitive dissonance in me that I 
didn’t know what to do. I had to find out if it was real or not, and I 
wanted to believe that it was real, but something in me said that it 
couldn’t possibly be real. People weren’t really going to levitate. So I went 
to Switzerland for the sixth-month course on "powers." 
>>>>I went and I fell apart. They were using us as experimental subjects. There 
fasting involved and various austerities that come out of Hindu 
traditions, enemas and various bizarre food combining rituals. A lot of 
madness got released. 
>>>>After five months of this I said whatever problems I might or might not 
>>>>have, TM is not making them better, it is making 
them worse and I decided to leave. This was like leaving everything, 
because I had severed all of my other ties and relations: no job, no 
career, no marriage and no prospects. I got up in the middle of the 
night and walked to the train station. I felt like I was crossing from 
slavery into freedom, from one intolerable situation into the great 
>>>>By the way, no one really levitates. I fully satisfied myself 
as to that. 


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