OK, you knew that as a Joss Whedon fanboy I couldn't not comment
on this series. I have to or they'll take away my browncoat.  :-)

I *am* a committed Joss fanboy, but that said I'm far more a fan of
him developing his *own* ideas than those of others. Joss' ideas are
The Bomb, man.

Testimonies to that creative side of Joss include "Buffy" (what is not
to like about a normal teenage girl who suddenly discovers that she's
the Slayer, and all that stands between earth and a universe of evil
monsters?) and "Firefly/Serenity" (similarly, what is not to like about
outlaws in space?). It also includes "Dollhouse," which I personally
believe is one of the best and most intelligent scifi TV series ever
created, *far* superior to many that most people would place at the
top of their lists.

But then there's the fanboy side of Joss Whedon. He has been a life-
long comics fan. He reads them, he collects them, he knows the
classics by heart, and he even writes and draws them himself. *Of
course* he loves "The Avengers," and *of course* he did the best
job in history of bringing a big Marvel epic to the screen. I suspect
that he'll do the same thing with "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

But it's an uphill battle to drag me -- Joss fanboy that I am -- into
comic book fetish. I liked "The Avengers," but it just didn't float my
boat because as I said before I prefer Joss' original ideas to his
ing of other people's ideas. I feel the same about "Agents of
I will watch it, and applaud the good parts and laugh at the funny
but a part of me will always be longing for characters created by Joss

That said, I think that we have to cut this first episode of "Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D." a bit of a break, because it's an "origin tale." It has to
to create a storyline and introduce characters we've never met before
(with one exception), and *get us interested in them*, interested enough
to tune in every week, all within one hour (or less, given commercials).
It's a formidable task, and judging from the positive reviews from both
critics and viewers, Joss seems to have pulled it off.

But the characters didn't really hook *me*. Despite Joss' tendency to
reuse actors he's worked with before, I saw only one, Ron Glass. Most of
the others are too young and pretty for me to identify with, but a few
them have the potential to develop into true <genuflect> Joss Whedon
Characters. I like Fitzsimmons, for example -- the two lab nerds, one
named Fitz and the other Simmons, who finish each others' sentences
and work well together while exchanging witty quips. They have

And certainly Chloe Bennet as Skye has potential. She's supposed to be
our favorite character, and she pulled that off for me. I like the way
character was introduced, and the way the actress pulled it off. The
nerd who single-handedly tracks down a potential superhero who
S.H.I.E.L.D. had never heard about (nerd genius), and then tries to
recruit him, revealing her other side (homeless nerd genius):

Skye: Come to my office...
Mike: You have an office?
Skye: Yes, I have an office...a mobile office...it's a van...I live in
it...by choice...

She's also great when Coulson tries to recruit *her* for S.H.I.E.L.D.
She doesn't trust them, so he walks into the interrogation room with his
biggest, baddest macho male agent, holds up a big-ass hypodermic and
says it contains a fast-acting truth serum that cannot be blocked. Then,
as she's expecting to be the one given the drug, he shoots up the
uptight macho agent Brett instead of Skye, and then leaves the room,
letting her ask *him* questions, which leads to a couple of funny
moments like:

Brett: I'll just call upon my training. There is no way I'm going to
reveal classified secrets to a girl who's hell-bent on taking us down...
Skye: Have you ever killed anyone?
Brett: (immediately, no pause) Yes, a few...high-risk targets, but they
were terrible people who were trying to murder nice people...and I
didn't feel good afterwards.
Skye: I understand. Does your grandmother know about these things?
Brett: (almost crying) Grammy?

So I *like* Skye, and I'll be interested to see how she develops. I'll
give the series a chance, even though part of me will always be wishing
he'd done a third season of "Dollhouse" instead.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Highest rated drama debut in 4 years with 12 million viewers.
> Funny thing is Whedon seems to be holding the cards close
> because IMDB so far only lists 3 episodes and elsewhere I see 4.
> On 09/27/2013 09:09 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> > I have enjoyed most of the Marvel Comic movies, but Agents of Shield
> > was rather stale
> >
> >
> > *From:* Bhairitu noozguru@...
> >
> > Nah, Walt's going to take a job at a nearby logging camp working
> > side a guy from Miami. ;-)
> >
> > I hope you haven't been too busy fussing over Neo and FFL to have
> > missed the best new fall broadcast TV show I've seen thus far. And
> > should really be ashamed of yourself if you did since it is Joss
> > Whedon's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D".  However given Whedon's luck and
> > ABC's ratings it's likely to get canceled after 4 episodes.

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