Edg sez:
> I stopped watching it about half way through. 

Edg, I hope you know that I'm not replying because you
weren't a fan. I firmly believe that taste is in the eye
of the beholder, and that you're more than entitled to
yours. I wasn't much taken with it the first time I saw
it, either. I'm replying because of what you said next:

> Thing is for me: if Thor comes to Earth, it changes 
> everything far more than the series' "lite" take on 
> that event.....let alone The Hulk et alia being exposed 
> to the masses in one stroke, and add to it aliens from 
> a worm hole.

Here is where we disagree. And it's because to some 
limited extent I've been there, done that. 

A lot of people "raised up in" the TM movement and its
utter lack of anything spectacular or miraculous or even
interesting seem to believe that (to synthesize comments
made on this and other TM-related forums) "If someone
just demonstrated Yogic flying fer real -- real hovering-
in-mid-air-the-way-a-brick-doesn't stuff -- it would 
Change The World." People would be so wowed out by such 
an event that it would change them forever, and the 
world would never be the same. 

I disagree. I've been in lecture halls in which the 
general public paid their $2 entry fee and came to a 
talk by a guy who then levitated onstage -- real hovering-
in-mid-air-the-way-a-brick-doesn't stuff -- right in front
of them. I invited one such non-pre-programmed guest 
(meaning that I never suggested *anything* she might
experience, except an interesting meditation) to one of 
these talks in L.A. once. She was an ex of mine, but we 
were on friendly terms until that evening, even though I
was distinctly Off The TM Program and she couldn't be more
On The TM Program if she were sucking Maharishi's dick in 
secret and wearing saris and looking virginal in public. :-)

I was sitting right beside her as she watched the guy 
do his thing. She's a bit of a Chatty Cathy, so we whis-
pered to each other a lot during the talk. She kinda liked 
his rap, and his general talk-in-plain-people-talk approach. 
I think it appealed to her after years of having to speak 
Hindu-but-not-religious-because-TM-isn't-religious TM 

Then we meditated, and the guy invited newbs to either
meditate with their eyes open, or open them occasionally
to check out the room they were meditating in, and him
up there onstage, if they felt like it. She did. Sitting 
next to her when she did this, I occasionally heard her 
gasp and say, "OMG, he's levitating!" Or "OMG, he just 
turned invisible!" Or "OMG, the whole room just turned 
gold!" And even the clincher, for an OTP TMer, "OMG, I'm 
having the best, deepest, and most profound meditation 
of my life, in the L.A. Convention Center." 

After the talk, she continued in that vein. Over coffee
before she went home (she really was an ex, and I had
no intentions about her, personally or cult-ily), she
babbled on about what she had seen. I didn't bother to
call her the next day, or for a few days, figuring she
needed to "sit with" what she'd seen and experienced.

When I saw her next, she denied having seen or felt
ANYTHING extraordinary that night. 

I reminded her of what she'd said about seeing him 
levitating and turning invisible and having a great
meditation that night, and she denied ever having said
it. I have heard in the years since that she even 
denies *ever having gone to see him*. 

THAT is how far people who are heavily invested in their
current world view will go to protect and preserve it.

To this day, I don't know exactly *what* it was we saw
in those lecture halls and out in the desert and on 
mountaintops, but there is no question that we saw it.
Literally thousands of people had these experiences. 

Some accepted *that* they had had them -- whatever they
were -- and "went public" with them. Others, like my ex, 
blotted them from their mind and their memory and above 
all from their oh-so-important public image, and
claimed never to have had such experiences. 

THAT is how I think people on the street would react to
the events of "The Avengers," and The Mighty Thor and
The Hulk walking the same streets they walked. IMHO, 
95% of them would have blotted out the memories of those 
events within a few days, just so their world view 
wouldn't be threatened and have to change.

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