It was probably the use of Marty Robbins' "El Paso" in the final episode
of "Breaking Bad" that got me thinking about it, but ever since I've
been on kind of a music kick, finding and listening to classic outlaw
songs. "El Paso" is obviously one of the greats in that category, but
it's another old outlaw song that's stuck in my head tonight, and it's
even brought back some pleasant memories about my time in the TM
movement, so I'll share them with you.

Back in early 1977, when I first heard the song, I was living at the TM
National Headquarters at the end of Sunset Blvd. I was working there as
personnel director for a few months before my Sidhis course, and lived
on the premises in one of the rooms (it was formerly a motel, for those
of you who never went there). It was a cool place to live -- a block
from the beach, next door to the Yogananda Lake Shrine -- and even
though I was making shit money I was earning precious (at the time)
course credits, so I made the best of living there.

It was there I first heard Emmylou Harris' version of a great Townes Van
Sandt outlaw song called "Pancho and Lefty." I remember listening to it
one night with my girlfriend, who I had had to sneak into my room, the
both of us feeling very much like outlaws ourselves for having <gasp>
sex there in the TM National Headquarters.  :-)

Anyway, it's a great song, and listening to it again in a Paris cafe --
all these years later -- I still love it. I also love -- all these years
later -- still feeling like an outlaw.


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