...and come up with snappy one-liners that 1) made you laugh, and 2)
defused the situation, making you realize that someone was trying to get
you to be all serious about shit that no one has a right to get all
serious about. In this clip, Stephen Fry (rather a master of the snappy
retort himself, and both an appreciator of and collector of the artform)
relates the story of when Winston Churchill was informed of a gay
scandal in his government, back in the 1950s:

These days, scanning the News, it strikes me more and more how the world
of politics seems to have descended to the level of Fairfield Life.
Nothing but posturing and ego-battles, people holding grudges and
swinging their dicks (sometimes imaginary) at each other to "win"
equally imaginary "battles" that are going on only in their heads,
caring nothing about how their actions poison the whole environment for
everyone else. To the whole lot of them I say:



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