They need to make it much easier to working people who look to start 
meditation. Like,
 pricing Transcendental Meditation to teach [More] meditators,

---In, <> wrote:

 Look, the bottom 20 percent of people live under poverty. The next 20 percent 
of workers live just at or above poverty. The next third of workers live just 
above that. These all are of the working poor. At 60 percent of the work force 
we are only yet at the shrinking middle class, at people who could buy cars, 
buy houses, and educate their kids. Here in Jefferson County nearly a third of 
kids under 21 live in poverty. This is the reality and the TM-Raja hope for 
someone to walk in to TM palaces who will pay full freight. Slim chance. 

---In, <> wrote:

  A day's wage for a working retail worker, about $55. TM charges $1,500 to 
learn meditation. Kind of embarrassing. 
 We're talking working people. A living wage:

---In, <> wrote:

  Changes certainly can be made and it is time for the TM-Rajas in charge of 
the well-being of TM to make certain changes such that meditation should be 
much more widely taught. I just spoke with someone teaching at a Peace Palace 
in Chicago. Ditto elsewhere. They just are not teaching enough to once again 
become significant in culture again. Significance. The numbers being taught are 
a pittance and quite evidently the pricing is still an obstruction to any 
significant numbers learning TM.

---In, <> wrote:

  You know, Maharishi was very able to adapt course to circumstances as he went 
along. It is certainly time for the TM-Rajas to adapt course so the movement 
can teach once again. I am reminded of the time that Maharishi was in Fairfield 
as the Domes were being built. One morning he came in to the group meditation 
over at the campus field house and sat with it. He got to talking with the 
group there. Someone asked about the Age of Enlightenment technique and 
Maharishi asked if everyone did not have it? On seeing hands go up for those 
who did not he then said everyone should have it. That day arrangements were 
made for people then to get it. That was done, no money charged for an $850 
technique. Bevan taught it to people then for free.

---In, <> wrote:

 And who made that decision to "create" the Rajas? Your much vaunted Marshy - 
says a lot don't it?

 On Friday, October 11, 2013 12:15 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@..." <dhamiltony2k5@...> 
   “Rich people just care less,”
 Well then, pretty obviously the TM-Rajas being pre-select for wealth are too 
remote to understand the problem.
 Since the 1970s, the gap between the rich and everyone else has skyrocketed. 
Income inequality is at its highest level in a century. This widening gulf 
between the haves and have-less troubles me, but not for the obvious reasons. 
Apart from the financial inequities, I fear the expansion of an entirely 
different gap, caused by the inability to see oneself in a less advantaged 
person’s shoes. Reducing the economic gap may be impossible without also 
addressing the gap in empathy.
 This has profound implications for societal behavior and government policy. 
Tuning in to the needs and feelings of another person is a prerequisite to 
empathy, which in turn can lead to understanding, concern and, if the 
circumstances are right, compassionate action. 
 “Turning a blind eye. Giving someone the cold shoulder. Looking down on 
people. Seeing right through them.
 These metaphors for condescending or dismissive behavior are more than just 
descriptive. They suggest, to a surprisingly accurate extent, the social 
distance between those with greater power and those with less”



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