This is all trolling, stuff Willytex (and Barry) made up. If anyone here takes 
either of them seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

---In, <> wrote:

 The incidents of Judy calling me a troll and a liar are way too numerous to 
detail here. However, I must have hurt Judy's feelings pretty badly to receive 
all this invective for all these years. Go figure.
 A lot of this has to do with Judy's obvious prejudice against people from 
Texas - that's why she loves to call me by my email address (willytex@...). 
And, this kind of prejudice is not just apparent in Judy's vitriol - it's in a 
lot of posts by the two Barrys too. We're not too big on racial profiling down 
here in San Antonio since the population is 63% Hispanic. I can't think of any 
other reason than this for Judy's rants against me - it certainly doesn't make 
any sense. I guess that's why you were asking why she hates me so. It's 
probably all my fault that she came over here to FFL in the first place.
 Maybe this will help explain a few things - this one is a classic:
 "What is the REAL reason our Judykins quit a.m.t.?
 It's because of the genius of willytex.
 Ms. Stein had been in her usual put-down manner chastising both myself
 and Delia because we had allegedly accused John Manning of
 anti-semitism in some of his posts.  Willytex did his homework and
 reposted some past rantings of Manning's in which he was not only
 exposed of being anti-semitic but virtually admitted to it (and, to
 his credit, apologized for it and, not to his credit, promised to
 "repent", so to speak, which he didn't). And it was none other than a
 past post of Judy's which told John he was being prejudiced.
 This was such an obvious rebuke to Judy and her foaming-at-the-mouth
 accusations that she was deathly afraid of being exposed.  So the
 easiest course to take was to just quit rather than being shown to be
 on the wrong side of a debate. Which, for her, is worse than having a
 root canal without pain-killers.
 And, of course, it didn't help much to have someone of Delia's caliber
 to counter her bombastic holier-than-thou politically-correct
 Author: Shemp McGurk
 Subject: The REAL reason Judy quit a.m.t.
 Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: January 5, 2003$20AND$20and$20AND$20liar$20AND$20authorname$3A%22judy$20stein%22%7Csort:date/alt.meditation.transcendental/_jRf0qepd1M
 On 11/1/2013 1:18 PM, sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
   Well, speaking as a Democrat I'd say that Hillary Clinton is not a fit 
candidate. Mainly because I don't think the American people would ever elect 
<> wrote:
 It is really strange behavior to say the least. Judy is a real case, and I'm 
not the first person to note that she can be very disagreeable.
 WARNING: Don't ever suggest that Hillary Clinton is not a fit candidate to be 
the next U.S. President!
 So, I probably posted hundreds of on-topic posts to a.m.t. on Usenet, (some of 
which I've updated and posted to FFL), over a period of about five years 
starting in 1999, without getting a single response from Judy. Then, in about 
2001, a few days after I posted a message calling into question Judy's claim 
that Bush lied about the reason the U.S. invaded Iraq, I started getting all 
kinds of nasty messages from Judy. She went just about ape-shit, calling me a 
troll and a scumbag and a liar. She encouraged everyone on the list to shun me 
and has been doing so almost every week since then - for over ten years! 
Apparently Judy has some influence over the Minions, Pips and Mean Girls on FFL 
but she doesn't seem to be getting the best of you. Keep up the good work
 Has anyone else in the group noticed that Judy is picking on Share? While my 
beef with Judy may have some substance, Share seems like a pretty decent person 
who just likes to talk with people. Regardless of what Judy has said about me, 
I find her antagonism toward Share to be very mean-spirited. Judy really has 
taken a turn for the worse, in my opinion . Go figure.
 But, even more strange is the silence from some of the other informants 
posting here. Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. Thanks 
for speaking out.
 On 11/1/2013 9:47 AM, Share Long wrote:
   Yeah, Richard, that was definitely weird. Judy had always been so friendly 
before that!
 On Friday, November 1, 2013 9:41 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Yeah, I think we had this conversation recently and several nasty comments 
were posted by Judy and Emily about Share making this same point. Go figure.
 "...both told me I should be drinking up to three litres of liquid a day for 
my body to function at its best."
 On 10/31/2013 10:54 AM, cardemaister@... mailto:cardemaister@... wrote:

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