An interesting speculative idea by MZ - that the Holy Spirit vacated the scene 
after the WWII Monte Casino bombing.  MZ also questions, "Where is Jesus". ....
 After some brief research on Christian "Awakenings" in the UK and the US, some 
believe there's an approximate 50 yea pattern starting from Wales then 
spreading to the American colonies around 1750.  Then add 50 years from that, 
getting to a major "Third Awakening" in the late 1840's with the initial 
expansion of Methodism.
 Fast forward to the early 20'th century then the era around 1950 (think Billy 
Graham).  But then the question becomes: After that? and expecially - has the 
Holy Spirit taken a vacation, and where is Jesus?
 Actually, (the first question), there is currently a major "Awakening" of 
Latino Evangelicals in the Western Hemisphere, but they worship in private home 
churches.  Also, a similar Awakening has taken place in China.
 Therefore, in regard to the Evangelicals, the (about) 50 year rule holds; but 
the more important questions remain: What about the future of Christianity as a 
 But most fascinating is the question of the impact between the Morphogenetic 
fields: Christianity vs (all together - New Age teachings, Buddhism, and what 
is called Hinduism.
 One solution to the apparent conflict between the two M-fields is that phonies 
like 'Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle simply paint "true" Christianity as 
Gnostic, then go on to claim that the "Unified Field" unites the two camps.  
This is pure bullshit.
 Getting back to MZ, he then asked (assuming one accepts Roman Catholocism as 
one's religion), "What about the Impersonal Absolute".  In other words, he's 
recognized that the Personal Deity of mainstream Christianity (and the 
Evangelicals); but not the Gnostic variants; offer irreconcialible  differences 
to the "New Age" camp - which is basically "Presence" oriented rather than 
devoted to a Personal Deity.
 How these differences and possible conflicts get ironed out is a major source 
of conflicts for a long time to come - perhaps centuries.  And, we see hints of 
the conflicts in this forum.  Is that because the participants "make" the camps 
conflicted or are there are inherent differences built into the basic world 
views?  I believe the latter, and the source of the conflicts involves real 
questions of "truth" in each; such that if one statement if true , then a false 
statement must apply to the other camp.
 ...Such irreconciliable differences begin with the major questions of 
Philosophy and the means to attain "ultimate" Happiness.  Are such means 
through Jesus, the Personality?,....or through the Impersonal Absolute?   

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