Frank Schaeffer is the poster boy of the psychically traumatized 
fundamentalist. Like many converts from the "saved believers", he carries his 
counter-theology (now Orthodox) into his political evaluations. 


 In reality, his theology is an echo of his past evangelical fixations and this 
connective editorial is an excellent reflection of that truth. He indulges in 
fearful generalizations because he has replaced the idea of “the devil with his 
dark angels” with “tea-baggers and right-wing fundamentalists”. The possibility 
that many tea-baggers might be ordinary people who are strict 
constitutionalists does not arise for him because he is afraid of people like 
his father … and his former self.

 No reason to expect reason or anything else by HuffHo - anymore than from 
MSLSD, Washington ComPost or the New York Slimes.
 Let the End Times begin.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 From a NYTimes article entitled "G.O.P. Weighs Limiting Clout of Right Wing":

 "Leaders of the Republican establishment, alarmed by the emergence of 
far-right and often unpredictable Tea Party candidates, are pushing their party 
to rethink how it chooses nominees and advocating changes they say would result 
in the selection of less extreme contenders...."

 Read more:

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:



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