Oh, hmmm, it seems like the U.S. isn't the only country that has problems with 
its right wing.

 From an article in today's NYTimes entitled, "Right Wing’s Surge in Europe Has 
the Establishment Rattled":

 "...All over, established political forces are losing ground to politicians 
whom they scorn as fear-mongering populists. In France, according to a recent 
opinion poll, the far-right National Front has become the country’s most 
popular party. In other countries — Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, the Czech 
Republic, Finland and the Netherlands — disruptive upstart groups are on a roll.

 "This phenomenon alarms not just national leaders but also officials in 
Brussels who fear that European Parliament elections next May could 
substantially tip the balance of power toward nationalists and forces intent on 
halting or reversing integration within the European Union...."

 Read more:



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