Seraphita, first, to be practical: when I was having spasms a few years ago, I 
got the Bad Back Book. The author highly recommends the Cat Camel asana for 
back problems. In my experience, sometimes pain overshadows meditation and 
sometimes it doesn't. It's a bit unpredictable but I tend to follow common 
sense with regards to diet and sleep to keep my body healthy on a basic level. 
Then extra challenges of pain and or germs are not so difficult. Hope this 

On Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:22 PM, "" 
<> wrote:
I mentioned on a recent thread that I've got back pain at the moment. (A rarity 
for me.) Actually "pain" is way too strong a word - it's just an irritating 
ache which lasts all day but I don't notice it when I'm distracted - or when I 
do my TM session. 

What I wanted to ask was: is it the case that those suffering from *chronic* 
pain (the kind of pain that even pain-killers can't completely eradicate) can 
still practise TM? Does anyone have any experience of that situation?


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