You read my stuff? Don't take it personal, Ann, but most of the stuff I post here is for the lurkers to read, not the long-time informants who have already read my stuff. I suspect there may be dozens of lurkers on this forum. There seem to be only a few respondents anymore. My main goal is to make the forum look good. Hey, why am I having to do most of the heavy lifting here?

It's up to you if you want to read and respond or not. Go figure. It's not complicated. Most of the netiquette protocols I've quoted are basic rules found here:

On 11/14/2013 8:44 AM, wrote:

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

It's not complicated.

Rule number three should really be rule number one: try to make yourself look good on the internet.

If you're interested in Hitler, send your messages to the Nazi group.
If you're a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler, don't send messages about Hitler to a spiritual group. Don't send inflammatory messages to a spiritual group extolling the face hair of the guy that killed six million Jews.

If you have brown hair that is currently grey and the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars but your mother divorced at the age of 45 make your posts in orange and avoid stepping in puddles. On the other hand, if it's raining and your father wore suspenders make sure all posts appear in italics but only on Mondays - any other day you can go freestylin'. Got it Willy? Now don't disobey or I'm going to bore you with my scolding and my rules from now until eternity.

    On 11/13/2013 12:22 PM, Share Long wrote:

Jeez, Richard, I feel exhausted to reading all these rules!

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:56 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> <mailto:punditster@...> wrote: Yeah, I'm with Buck on this one. There's probably no need to send anonymous, nonsensical posts about Adolph Hitler's face hair to a spiritual discussion group. Maybe it's time to review a few netiquette protocols:

1. Don't send inflammatory messages to the discussion group.
2. Make sure to send your message to the appropriate group.
3. Try to make yourself look good on the internet.

Notes: Send messages about Hitler to the Nazi group; send messages about Hitler's face hair to the Veterans Day thread; don't send messages about planes to the locomotive group. Make yourself look good by sending thoughtful or insightful messages about the topic at hand and try to stay on topic. Try to be original and informative.

On 11/13/2013 9:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
Ahem, Richard, your post seems to be one of those one liners you rant about. Go figure!

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:32 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> <mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
Addressing the important issues!

On 11/12/2013 9:39 PM, s3raphita@... <mailto:s3raphita@...> wrote:
Hitler preferred a curly "Prussian" style moustache but was ordered to clip it during WWI so that it would fit under the gas masks introduced to defend against British mustard-gas attacks.

Didn't save the bastard though: he was blinded in a Brit gas attack in 1918.

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