Barry's behavior on FFL is the paradigm: Ongoing, relentless, incessant verbal 
abuse, from the time I first encountered him around 1995 on alt.m.t to this 
day. (And obviously not just of me, although I've been his prime target.)

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 By definition cyber bullying (minors) and harassment (adults) are ongoing and 
relentless. From this perspective, what falls into this category? One incident 
of verbal abuse? Or many instances of repeating that incident? As well as many 
instances of other verbal attacks? It's not rocket science. 

 On Saturday, November 16, 2013 9:06 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> 
   What's "fascinating" is the EXTRAORDINARY hypocrisy of Barry accusing 
anybody else of bullying.

 Once you've viciously attacked someone in a post headed "SHUT THE FUCK UP," 
you've pretty much announced that you've permanently given up your last shred 
of credibility as a critic of bullies.

 And BTW, I never said what Barry quotes me as saying below. He made that up 
out of whole cloth. That's what losers have to do when they don't have a case. 
Doesn't make anyone else a winner; it only confirms that one is a loser.

 Plus, just a  reminder: The "Mean Girls Club" doesn't exist except in Barry's 
fantasies about his critics.

 Oh, and one last thing: Yesterday Richard cited an alt.m.t post of Barry's 
from 2004. If you read the discussion surrounding that post, you'll find a 
bunch of people making the exact same criticisms of Barry that are made here.


 "One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to recognize you as the 'know 
 it all' egotist when you get criticized. You're a classic example; far 
 from anything akin to what anyone would consider a person of spiritual 
 integrity, in either the absolute or relative sense. Your blatantly 
 obvious defensive ego trip betrays any pretense you might have in that 
 regard. I doubt however, that your ego will allow your intellect to even 
 consider the possibility."


Barry wrote:

 Fascinating article from The Atlantic:

Read through it and see if it doesn't remind you of the Mean Girl behavior 
we've seen on this forum, especially the credo of the MGC's founder: "I am a 
winner because you are a loser."




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