Now this is funny - according to my webpage counter, seven people visited the MyFace page, but not one submitted a photo of their face. LoL!

On 10/31/2013 11:43 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
Thanks for the comment on my face, but you don't seem to have included an attached photo of your own. Go figure.

So, I guess we know who at least one troll, since you visited the site at least twice using a Linux machine, according to my IP recording script.

P.S. Just because you may not have any hair or many teeth left, doesn't mean yours would be the only image with that in common.

On 10/31/2013 10:49 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

So you do look like a troll. Which Austin bridge was that taken under? :-D

On 10/30/2013 08:32 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
You've heard of 'My Space'. And, you've heard of 'Facebook'. My new social networking site will be called 'My Face'.

Just post pictures of your face, nothing else, and then post comments about each others face. Everyone loves to make comments about other people's face. Don't know HTML? Send me a photo of your face along with your real name and I'll put up it up on the web for you. It will be fun and I'll be a millionaire in a year or two. Don't be shy just because you've got no hair or teeth left. LoL!

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