Well, I guess we could look it up:

"Note to newbies: Willytex, aka pundit, punditster, punditmoderator, etc., 
spouts a great deal of absolute nonsense.  Nothing he says about TM (or about 
much of anything else, but especially* TM) is to be taken seriously. Just for 
example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods 
have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it is, 
or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities (whatever 
"nicknames" means in this context).

 I will say that the sight of, er, certain people telling Richard admiringly 
how "wonderful" his knowledge is evokes a loud guffaw.

 > Yogi Bhajan says that "Kundalini energy is technically explained as being 
 > sparked during yogic breathing 
 > when prana and apana blends at the 3rd chakra (naval center) at which point 
 > it initially drops down to the 
 > 1st and 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher centers 
 > of the brain to activate the 
 > golden cord - the connection between the pituitary and pineal glands - and 
 > penetrate the 7 chakras." 
 > However, this technique was denigrated by Judy in a somewhat inane post 
 > denying that MMY bijas were 
 > the nicknames of  the Istadevatas. Go figure.


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