It looks like we reached the point where Judy won't even admit ownership of her own words. It just doesn't get much better than this! Go figure. So, let's look it up:

"In 30 years, I've never heard a TMer say anything about repeating the mantra when they are asleep, nor have I ever heard a TM teacher mention it."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm

So, I wonder what SBS had to say about istadevata and the bija mantras?

"Apply your body and wealth mainly, and your mind secondarily, to run the vyavahara. When the mind is mainly engaged in thinking of God, you shall receive His grace. The experience of the Bhaktas also goes to prove this declaration of the Lord. People are unhappy because they do not have a chosen deity (Ishta). Without Ishta, people turn out to be orphans. It is only Ishta that saves one from anishta (untoward happenings). Of the five Deities - Shankara, Vishnu (Ram, Krishna), Surya, Ganesh and Devi, whosoever is more adorable to you, the mantra of that Deity should be repeated by you every day. You must get to know the mantra of your Ishta, and the method of dhyan (meditation) thereof, through an experienced Satguru and somehow or other, devote some time every day in japa of the Ishta mantra and dhyan. Through japa, Realisation (Siddha) will result. There is no doubt about this. "JAPAT SIDDHIR JAPAT SIDDHAIR JAPAT SIDDHIR NASAMSAYAM." To apply your mind to your Ishta is abhyasa. To constantly think of Ishta, meditate on it, talk always about it, and think always about it, this is abhyasa."

Swami Brahmanand Saraswati Ji, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math [1941 – 1953]

On 11/25/2013 2:04 PM, wrote:

*Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this context).*


*I will say that the sight of, er, certain people telling Richard admiringly how "wonderful" his knowledge is evokes a loud guffaw.*


> Yogi Bhajan says that "Kundalini energy is technically explained as being sparked during yogic breathing

> when prana and apana blends at the 3rd chakra (naval center) at which point it initially drops down to the

> 1stand 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher centers of the brain to activate the

> golden cord - the connection between the pituitary and pineal glands - and penetrate the 7 chakras."

> However, this technique was denigrated by Judy in a somewhat inane post denying that MMY bijas were

> the nicknames of the Istadevatas. Go figure.

*Richard wrote:*

Well, I guess we could look it up:

"Note to newbies: Willytex, aka pundit, punditster, punditmoderator, etc., spouts a great deal of absolute nonsense. Nothing he says about TM (or about much of anything else, but especially* TM) is to be taken seriously. Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm

    ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

    *Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique,"
    whatever it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't
    "nicknames" of the deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this


    *I will say that the sight of, er, certain people telling Richard
    admiringly how "wonderful" his knowledge is evokes a loud guffaw.*


    > Yogi Bhajan says that "Kundalini energy is technically explained as being
    sparked during yogic breathing

    > when prana and apana blends at the 3rd chakra (naval center) at which 
point it
    initially drops down to the

    > 1stand 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher
    centers of the brain to activate the

    > goldencord - the connection between the pituitary and pineal glands -
    and penetrate the 7 chakras."

    > However, thistechnique was denigrated by Judy in a somewhat inane post 
    that MMY bijas were

    > thenicknames of the Istadevatas. Go figure.

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