Standard practice? You have got to be kidding. I have never seen it before. I. 
Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing. It's quite fun watching you being a punching 
bag for everyone else and lamely trying to claim victory. As for the 
testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 


---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the "weird 
punctuation," you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much standard 
practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

 Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to respond 
to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to give you a detailed 
refutation of anything he says about me, just ask). If Share "stood up to" me, 
it must have been awfully feebly, because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a 
total ass of himself, not for the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot 
himself in the foot trying to "get" me over the past few days. Trouble is, he 
doesn't have any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on 
him that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only his 
posts and not my responses.

 Want to try again?
Feste fumphs:
 Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

 > What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
 > the way you declare that she 
 > ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
 > have scripted for her, 
 > but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
 > another way of trying to control 
 > another person. 

 ---In, <emilymaenot@...> wrote:


 ---In, <> wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of "lessons learned," 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of "zero" on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   



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