---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 You may not be getting it, Ann. Every time you post a reply to Barry, he wins. 
Every time Judy posts a reply to Barry, he wins. You're getting set up as a 
patsy and you're getting sucked down a rabbit hole. 
 Judy knows this and so does Barry - it's their game. Neither one is going to 
stop until one or the other is dead and it looks like Barry will out live Judy. 
Barry wins because he REALLY doesn't care - Judy loses because she does care. 
It's that simple.
 It's not your fault - you seem like a pretty nice person; too nice in fact to 
be responding to Barry. Anyway, hope you are having fun - I know I am. Go 

 Thank you for your concern but I am not the loser when it comes to Barry. 
Barry can't actually touch me on any level anymore. He exists in his own 
universe and it does not intersect with mine other than we are both carbon 
based and need to eat. 

 I do not believe that anyone can "lose" in an interaction with another person. 
Whatever they bring to the table is not altered by engaging in a discussion or 
in an argument. You are who you are when you enter into a conversation and you 
are who you are when you leave. Winning and losing are already givens and have 
nothing to do with any activity. The winners and the losers are not determined 
by anything external, it's about what they having goin' on inside.
 On 12/2/2013 1:05 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Just like what you did when I first started posting to FFL. You had had a few 
beers and got mean and nasty. It was just about enough to drive me away. You 
are easily as guilty of this as anyone and I believe this explains your 
longevity here Barry. You are an unwelcoming bastard to just about everyone who 
decides to begin posting here, not to mention those who have been here for 
years. One whiff of your style of 'welcome wagon' and any normal person leaves 
pretty quickly. 

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