Thanks for the advice, Emily, but responding to email queries is my avocation. I'm always available for students who might have questions about their course studies or about internet protocols. That includes my student Ms Stein. I don't discriminate against anyone who might need my help, no matter how antagonistic they might seem. She could be a nice girl for all I know, and she may need some spiritual help. That's what I do.

But this incessant harassment could be cause for sending a warning that they could be dropped from the list if they persist in abusing their posting privilages. Keep up the good work!

 On 12/3/2013 10:32 PM, wrote:

P.S. I hope you aren't having a beer with your wife and talking to me too? Ignore the "ding" Richard; turn off the phone. I tell my younger kid that; I might as well have told her to cut off her arm, but hopefully you aren't as addicted as the kids are.

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