---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 More stalking, this one a perfect example of Judy declaring that she "knows" 
things that other people don't, and that her "knowing" cannot be refuted. Note 
that she's still claiming to "know" that Salyavin didn't read the article that 
she posted a link to (the Mortal Sin Of Not Reading Everything Judy Stein 
Writes Or Points Out). Note that she cannot even conceive of the possibility 
that he read the article and came to a different conclusion about it than she 
did. Note her attempt to jumpstart an argument she wanted to have that no one 
was interested in. 

 You just can't stop. No one else gives a poop Bawwy. Your obsessive/compulsive 
disorder appears to be spiking today. Take a break from FFL, even for a couple 
of days. Surely you have something else you can be doing. Have you set up any 
dinosaur dioramas lately? Go surf the Messy Nessy Chic blog. Your attempts to 
ignite more controversy over here are so transparent.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> I was sorry Salyavin didn't read the article I linked to but simply dismissed 
> the idea of according "personhood" to chimps without knowing what was 
> actually involved. I thought there might be an interesting discussion about 
> the potential legal rights of chimps. 
> Trying again...here are a couple of quotes that frame the issue in more 
> detail: 
> "With testimonials from experts like Jane Goodall, Wise makes the case that 
> chimpanzees have qualities that allow them to have the very basic legal right 
> not to be imprisoned. It’s not that chimpanzees are the legal equivalent of 
> human beings. Rather, the court filing...argues that chimpanzees are 
> enslaved, and that the courts already recognize that slavery is wrong: 
> "'This petition asks this court to issue a writ recognizing that Tommy is not 
> a legal thing to be possessed by respondents, but rather is a cognitively 
> complex autonomous legal person with the fundamental legal right not to be 
> imprisoned.'" 
> http://science.time.com/2013/12/02/chimps-human-rights-lawsuit/#ixzz2mWfW8tZD 
> > 
> "Wise isn’t arguing that chimpanzees should be given the full rights of 
> humans, and that’s where this lawsuit begins to make sense. Whatever you 
> think of the cognitive abilities and emotions of chimps, I think we can all 
> agree that they are different from, say, chairs. They’re different from 
> cars. Treating these animals as mere property is simply wrong. 
> "We do, of course, have a class of persons in this country who don’t have 
> maximum rights but are more than mere property. They’re called 'children,' 
> and most of them have considerably less intelligence than a chimpanzee. So 
> there is precedent for extending legal protection to 'human-like' creatures 
> who throw poop and change the channel during the last two minutes of a 
> football game." 
> http://abovethelaw.com/2013/12/lawsuit-of-the-apes/ 
> http://abovethelaw.com/2013/12/lawsuit-of-the-apes/ 
> I wrote: 
> Tell ya what, Salyavin, read the article and get back to us, OK? 
> Salyavin wrote: 
> > Before you give rights to chimps you should work out if they are capable of 
> > understanding what is being offered. Anthropomorphism isn't any way to go 
> > about helping wildlife. 
> Chimps aren't people, they are chimps and they can't fit into our world in 
> the same way we couldn't fit into theirs. They aren't as "like us" as a lot 
> of people think. We should only extend personhood to people as they are 
> capable of learning a language and communicating their needs themselves, with 
> obvious exceptions. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote: 
> We're getting there. 
> http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/03/science/rights-group-sues-to-have-chimp-recognized-as-legal-person.

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