Barry stalks Judy:

 > I'm just having a little fun with Judy's ludicrous claim that she is NOT
 a stalker, and her even more ludicrous attempt to redefine that word in
 terms of having followed someone from forum to forum in pursuit of them.

 Funhouse mirror time again, kiddies. This is how Barry used the
 term. He's now redefined "stalking" to mean "dumping on," to try
 to cover up his lie about how I had "stalked him from forum to 
 forum." And is pretending I'm the one who redefined it.

 Given his unrelieved "stalking" of moi in four different forums for the
 past 18 years, and of many others in whatever forum he happens to be
 in, the hypocrisy of his complaining about anyone else's "stalking" is
> Cyberstalking is about the pursuit, period, with the intent to harass
 and do damage to another person. And that's been Judy's M.O. for close
 to 20 years now.
And Barry has never engaged in stalking. See? Just look in that mirror 
 over there.

 > Just run a search on the number of times Judy has referenced her "known
 enemies" on FFL since 2005. She's found occasion to mention me in over
 8,600 posts. She has written 3,000 posts each to or about Vaj and
 Curtis. In the short time Share has been here, Judy has written to or
 about her over 1,700 times now.

 As just about everybody here knows, Barry's use of numbers obtained
 from Search are thoroughly bogus. You can't do what he pretends to do
 with Search, for reasons I've explained a number of times. You'd have to go
 through every bloody post on the Search hit list and read it to weed out
 the instances of a name or term that was a quote rather than from an
 original post.

 Oh, and he tends to avoid referring to his stalkees by name in an attempt
 to diminish his own counts.

 It's just one more of Barry's dishonest "stalking" tactics. He's accumulated
 a shitload of 'em by now. He would have nothing to say if he had to be honest.

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