It would be more reasonable to suppose that most people who would want to learn TM these days would probably have never heard of David Lynch, and even if they started TM, would but would have heard about TM by word of mouth, and they probably would never buy a Maharishi product.

In your case, it appears like if you wasted almost your entire adult life supporting cults like Scientology. You fell for Zen Master Rama, and that's a real "WOW". But, it's is amazing how many famous people have started TM, but you are not one of them, although you seem to think you're important. Go figure.

List of people who have learned Transcendental Meditation:

On 12/7/2013 1:48 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, Michael Jackson wrote:
> all this blah blah blah about D Lynch and celebrities is exactly like Scientology, with about as much change in world consciousness.

/I have to admit that I agree. I simply don't understand how so many can cling to the olde "You should learn TM and buy our products because a few famous people do" marketing approach. I think it must be because the idea originally came from Maharishi and so "If Maharishi thought it up, it must be good."

Seriously, folks...can you *imagine* anyone so lame as to want to spend money on Scientology because Tom Cruise and John Travolta do it? Well, now think of someone so lame as to fall for *David Lynch* as poster-pimp for TM.

Here's how it must work in their minds.

"Wow. David Fucking *Lynch* does TM. I've seen his movies, and appreciated the strong, spiritual depth of his being as he portrayed rape, torture, misogyny, violence, lesbianism, deformity and murder onscreen. I just can't WAIT to have that level of consciousness workin' for me in *my* life!"

Think I'm over the top here? That IS how Nabby thinks. He's the one who keeps touting Lynch as a "great artist" just because he once spent a million bucks to hang with Maharishi for a month, and then only got to see him over video. I can't help imagining the ad/PR campaign that Nabby and the TMO would trot out if it turned out that Bryan Cranston was a TMer. You'd have TV ads with him wearing his signature porkpie hat, staring out at audience and saying:


*/"Heisenberg your mind, people. *I* am the one who knocks." /*


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