Good point. Around here, all you have to do is bundle up in some warm clothes for a few days.

Just before the cold spell hit here, my AC went on the blink, so I called Jon Wayne Heating and Air Conditioning. They charge $100.00 just to show up and the cost goes up from there. And who can trust those guys anyway?

Since I didn't need the AC for a week or so, I put off calling until a few days ago. Then, I got Sam Diego to come over and he found a dead capacitor in the unit. He charged me $29.50 for the service call. The AC works great now, if I need it.

The rent is too damn high!

On 12/9/2013 8:46 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

And get a big heating bill next month. I have a space heater if I really need it. My furnace needs a tune up but no one around here seems to know anyone honest about those things and it needs to be done in the fall as right now they're busy fixing ones that have broken down. As it is the house is set for 65 degrees most of the day and evening.

On 12/09/2013 05:57 PM, wrote:

Re "Today, I wore a leather jacket, black; and a sweater underneath, blue; and boots, brown; and a wooly cap, navy, pulled down over my ears. And, that's when I was inside my home office.":

Why not turn up the heating? Then you could wear a silk shirt and linen slacks and feel unrestricted.

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