Nobody is saying "The climate is warming because it's cold outside." What some 
(including most climate scientists) are saying is that the fact of extreme 
low-temperature events locally or even regionally is not evidence against 
global warming. Such events are what one would expect to see with global 

 And here's what Al Gore says:

 "FORMER US vice-president and climate change campaigner Al Gore has told ABC's 
7.30 Report that Australia's leaders are in denial about climate change....


 "Mr Gore conceded that bushfires did happen naturally, but said global warming 
would cause them to be more severe, and more regular. 

 "'Bushfires can occur naturally and do, but the science shows clearly when the 
temperature goes up and vegetation and soils dry out that wildfires become more 
pervasive and dangerous,' he said."

 "'That's not me saying it, that's what the scientific community says.'"

 Read more:


 Richard trolled:
 > > We have a saying around here - "If you don't like the weather, just stick 
 > > around for a day or two, and it will probably change." It is the nature of 
 > > weather to change, that's why they call it "weather." But, it doesn'tmake 
 > > much sense to say that the climate is warming because it's cold outside. 
 > > Anymore than Al Gore making the claim that the fires in Australia are the 
 > > result of warmer weather. Go figure. > > 
 On 12/11/2013 6:35 AM, Share Long wrote:
   Richard and wgm, I thought Doc explained the phenomenon very well with the 
phrase climate destabilization. Do you think people are using these various 
phrases to do something wrong? 
 On Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:35 PM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 It's more double-speak when global cooling is actually global warming. 
 On 12/10/2013 8:32 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   Yep! definitely it's Global Cool...'er, warming! cooling, 'er...
 CHICAGO (CBS) – Chicagoans were hit with the coldest December temperatures in 
nearly 20 years on Tuesday, and the Wednesday morning commute could be a 
challenge as the area will get hit with more snow. 
 The last time Chicago had subzero temperatures this early in the season was 
Dec. 9, 1995. Unfortunately for Chicagoans, it won’t be long before the mercury 
is back below zero.
 Chicago could see subzero temperatures again Wednesday night. Before that, 
Chicago likely will get more snow–up to 2 to 4 inches

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