Amusing. I was an honors music student at a major university with composition as my strength. What was interesting was learning how these guys actually came up with their music. There even are some pieces that are adaptations of bar songs of the composer's day.

There really is no venue for serious composers in this age but writing movie scores and for TV is one for them. Even some of my composition professors at the university wrote for film. Murphy's "Adagio in D minor" is a simple and beautiful piece which functions as mood generating background for the film. Hans Zimmer also wrote a simple piece for the film "Inception" called "Time" which is also very popular and spiritual. Funny thing is I noticed it was "Blue Moon" chords played backward. :-D

The public isn't of course aware (unless they took some good music appreciation classes) of the background of a lot the "serious" composers of the past. I always thought that "Amadeus" told the story well that they had to cater to the aristocrats of the day who might accuse them of writing "too many notes." Some of these people lived short lives and some were drunkards. Shubert died at an early age of syphilis.

The pubic is told to hold them in high esteem not that they recognize why. I was always amused at how symphonies needed to put on their "classical top 40" concerts rather than present new music or obscure pieces.

Randy Newman wrote the music for the film "Pleasantville" and the DVD contains a wonderful commentary by him. Of course he grew up hanging out with his uncles who wrote for Hollywood film and talks about how Jerry Goldsmith would rip apart many of Beethoven's works in discussion. Such discussions were also not unusual when having coffee with some of my music school professors.

On 12/12/2013 12:56 PM, wrote:

*I know it when I hear it. Murphy's Adagio ain't, IMHO. Listen to the videos I posted, see if you hear a difference. Has to be interesting and challenging.*

Bhairitu asked:
How do you define "real music"?

    On 12/11/2013 02:33 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

Here, listen to some real music:

And the "2001 music":

Share wrote:

> > hey noozguru, I listened to the Sunshine adagio again. My music education is very limited but I think I caught the piano at 2:02. Yes, it's beautiful. > >

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