As you well know, Barry is a vicious, sadistic bully and a chronic, casual 
liar. (He is also, as it happens, profoundly intellectually lazy, egotistical, 
and appallingly shallow, but I wouldn't expect you to recognize any of that.)

 Richard trolls and lies:
 << Barry has as much right to post his opinion here as anyone else. I've read 
every post between you and Barry since 1994 and I can say without the least 
hesitation that you are one hell of a bully. As for Barry, he may be annoying, 
but at least he's fun to read and he has a sense of humor. You on the other 
hand are a downer fer sure. That's what I think. For some reason you always 
take almost everything as a personal affront and you pick on people for no 
apparent reason. You are obsessive, to say the least. Go figure. >>
 On 12/15/2013 8:37 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   You are lying, Richard. As you well know (and everyone else here knows who 
reads Barry's posts), I've been under near-constant vicious harassment (or 
"stalking," as he calls it) from Barry the whole time I've been on FFL 
(actually on FFL before I even got here) and before that on alt.m.t.
 As you also know, I've pretty much left you alone except for when you tell 
lies about me (and occasionally when you lie about political issues). The 
former has been pretty constant for the last month or so. You seem to think 
you're going to protect Share and censor my exchanges with her by harassing me, 
but as you've seen by now, that ain't gonna work.
 Frankly, most of the time your trolling bores me silly; it was never very 
smart, and by now it's gotten VERY, VERY OLD. You aren't interesting enough to 
engage with, hence my macro in response to most of it that you direct at me.
 Richard trolls and lies:
 << You are being much too kind, Feste. "Petty" is an under statement. Judy has 
been ankle-biting at me and Barry for a decade. At this point, it's just 
abusive harassment - there's no logic to it at all - just obsessive meanness 
and vitriol - I think this thread is proof of that. Just plain old mean, that's 
what I think. >>
 On 12/15/2013 5:02 PM, feste37 wrote:
   Yes, auth, I'm watching. And what I am seeing is a very petty individual 
trying to create an argument out of nothing, just so she can hurl more insults 
at Share. You really are a nasty piece of work, there's no doubt about it.

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