Stop the lying, Judy, Everyone here knows I didn't make up the Fairfield Guidelines. Now nobody is going to take you seriously and if they do, they are real dumb, in my opinion. The FFL Guidelines are in the File section: <>

On 12/16/2013 2:56 PM, wrote:

*This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno and, obviously, Richard) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.*

*Richard trolled and lied:*

<< In my opinion, Judy has slandered me on numerous occasions and attempted to smear my name. I feel that this is race-based, because she hates people from Texas and all conservatives. And, she encourages others to agree with her.

She should desist in this kind of behavior- it is contrary to the rules of good internet behavior and it is unbecoming of her to do that.

She is unable to engage in a fair debate. If Judy has any rebuttal to any of my messages, let her post them and specify what untruths I have posted with the date and time. It is my right to post my opinions here any time I feel like it. I should be able to do this without harassment and abuse from anyone. That's what I think.

Maybe its time to review the Yahoo FairfieldLife Guidelines:

3) All parties who feel aggrieved by any statements within the forum have free opportunities to provide a rebuttal to those statements within the forum. >> <>

    On 12/16/2013 9:19 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

Richard trolled and lied:

<< That's your opinion and you are entitled to post it. You are not entitled to post remarks that are racist and slanderous. >>

Well, I don't do that, but in fact there's no rule against it.

>> And it is unbecoming of you to attempt to solicit discussion off-line in an attempt to gain an advantage through hearsay and deception. >>

It would be unbecoming of me if I'd ever done that, but of course I haven't. You made that up.

<< The very purpose of this thread is so you have the opportunity to engage in a fair debate with me and the other respondents on this list. For some reason you refuse to engage. I can only assume that it's because a deep-seated prejudice that you don't to discuss. >>

No, as you know, it's because it's not possible to have a rational debate with you. You make sure of that.

<< We all have some prejudice - nobody is perfect - sometimes we don't even realize that we are prejudiced. Since you won't discuss it, we must assume that's why you won't debate. It's kind of sad to see you like this - it's a very ugly side of you, Judy. It's one thing to denigrate Barry and to pick on Share, and it's one thing to not like conservative voters, but it's wrong of you to dislike what I say on the basis of my birth circumstances. >>

Which, of course, I've never done. Just one more thing you've made up.

<< You should post your objections to anything I say right here in public so everyone can read it and we can debate it and so everyone can read it and decide for themselves. You are being unfair and defensive. We can only assume that you have some kind of hidden agenda that you do not want to reveal. Go figure. >>

Actually you could assume the facts, which are that I've already made my "agenda" quite public, which is to make sure newbies and occasional posters know (the old-timers and regulars know this already)that you are a troll and a liar and that engaging with you only encourages your trolling and lying. I think your recent behavior toward me has established that pretty firmly. It will probably be necessary to reestablish it at some point if we get a fresh crop of newbies, though (unless your behavior changes radically and you give up trolling, which I don't expect).

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