For the record, Judy called me "willytex" for years after I told her my name was Richard. In my opinion Judy was making fun of Texans. And, for the record, where I live, Hispanics make up 63% of the general population. And, also for the record, Judy did not post an objection when Ann posted numerous messages denigrating people that live in Texas. Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. We do not take kindly to racial profiling. It was wrong of Judy and Ann to do this in a fair debate. That's what I think.

On 12/16/2013 8:33 AM, wrote:

Share pandered:

<< Richard, I like you and enjoy most of your posts and I wish I could think of what to say so that you can be at peace with all this and not suffer. >>

How about explaining to Richard that it makes him look awfully silly to call prejudice against Texans "racism"? (And while you're at it, you might want to see if you can remember anything I've ever said against Texans. Could Richard have been lying about that, do you think?) And here's a tip: he isn't suffering. He loves it when he can stir up controversy. And unlike Barry, he genuinely doesn't care what folks think about him.

<< I don't think people are gonna change much in their posting content, style and amount. Furterhmore, some people will believe lies written about you and some people won't. >>

As far as I can recall, nobody here--including me--has ever lied about Richard, even when he's lied about others.

<< You don't have much control over what people think and believe. Anyway, I hope you'll continue writing your knowledge posts and what I did today and 100 great rock stars, etc. >>

FWIW, I have no objection to his "knowledge posts" or the "100 great" posts. The "What I did today"-type posts are fine if what he did today was something interesting, but usually it isn't (same with your responses to them, IMHO). Those types of posts from him are actually trolls; he's aiming to get people to complain about how boring they are so he can make a big fuss about the complaints.

<< You bring a lot of fun and kindness and expansion to FFL. IMHO (-: >>

Oh, please. You really don't need to fawn over him. It's actually counterproductive, because when you wildly exaggerate, you just end up looking insincere, and that doesn't do him any good.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:34 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> wrote: In my opinion, you don't like people from Texas and you hate conservatives. You are attempting to silence me by posting slander and you are fibbing and being trollish yourself. Your racism and prejudice is pernicious and sometimes tends to affect others. Ann is a case in point: on numerous occasions she has posted racist comments based on my birth circumstances. That is wrong of her to do that and it is wrong for you to support such. You should both either apologize or leave the group. That's what I think. Posting derogatory comments about where people are from or where they were born is rank hypocrisy and has no place on a spiritual forum. That's what I think.

    On 12/15/2013 9:08 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

*This is all trolling and lies, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.
Richard trolled and lied:*

<< You are incorrect - you just make up stuff so people will shun me. You hate people from Texas - you are a hater, an abuser, and a mean, perpetual, petty, ankle-biting junkyard dog - that's what I think, and I don't see anyone else here that disagrees. If they do, they should speak up.

Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. >>

    On 12/15/2013 7:54 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

Richard trolled:

<< It's very simple, Share - Judy hates Xeno and she wants him to shut up. Just like she wants you to shut up; just like she wanted Curtis, Barry, and Vaj to shut up. She won't dialog with Xeno because she is afraid of him because he is smarter that she is, just like Curtis, Barry, and Vaj are smarter than she is.

Judy has a very big ego and does NOT respond well to criticism. She thinks she owns this forum. She is an extremist that takes almost everything as a personal affront. She has been compared to a junkyard dog and an ankle-biting mean dog, which seem pretty apt to me. Her rap sheet goes back all the way to 1994! In all that time, I can't think of a single respondent that wants anything to do with her - not one. That's what I think. >>

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