Richard, Poster of the Year 2013, you make me laugh and think and are kind, so 
in your honor I'm making a new thread even though my new threads rarely get 
replied to boo hoo!

Emily and Bob, just so you can stop wondering about my reaction to the photo of 
Ann's tree and GET A FRIGGING LIFE, I shall now enlighten you both about my 
immediate and mundane reaction to the photo of her Christmas tree that Ann 
posted. Hold onto your seatbelts!

Huh?! But wait a minute! I've seen this photo before! Is this the same photo 
Ann posted last year?!

That's it, Emily and Bob. That was my immediate reaction to seeing the photo. 
Of course since then I figured out that most people use the same ornaments year 
after year and put the tree in the same place. So maybe it is a current photo 
of the current tree. But the photo sure looks suspiciously familiar. Go figure!

Of course it's a very lovely tree and photo so a repeat appearance is good too.

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