You can define meditation as a type of prayer. According to MMY, meditation
is like prayer, except on a very subtle level.

In a recent visit to Sonoma in California it seemed like almost the entire
northern half of California meditates using various breath awareness
techniques or various yoga techniques. I know that in northern California
lots of people practice Zen meditation. Recently I sat with Jokusho Kwong,
the roshi of the Sonoma Zen Center, when I visited my daughter in Santa
Rosa. I've known the roshi since the days when I sat with Suzuki at the San
Francisco Zen Center.

[image: Inline image 1]
Everyday Zen at Sonoma Zen Center

According to the dictionary, meditation means simply 'to think things
over'. If so, then everyone meditates. There's probably not a person on the
planet who doesn't pause once or twice a day to take stock of their mind
contents. And we're all transcending - even without a specific technique.
So, the question is: do you enjoy?

"As a method of stress reduction, meditation is often used in hospitals in
cases of chronic or terminal illness to reduce complications associated
with increased stress including a depressed immune system. There is growing
agreement in the medical community that mental factors such as stress
significantly contribute to a lack of physical health, and there is a
growing movement in mainstream science to fund research in this area.

Dr. Herbert Benson of the Mind-Body Medical Institute, which is affiliated
with Harvard and several Boston hospitals, reports that meditation induces
a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body collectively
referred to as the 'relaxation response.' The relaxation response includes
changes in metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and brain
chemistry. Benson and his team have also done clinical studies at Buddhist
monasteries in the Himalayan Mountains."

"Transcendental means to go beyond; meditation means thinking. Hence,
'Transcendental Meditation' means to go beyond thinking." - Charlie Lutes

Works cited:

Charles F. Lutes

Sonoma Mountain Zen Center:


Other References:

'The Mystery of Consciousness'
By Steven Pinker
Time Magazine, Friday, Jan. 19, 2007

'The Science of Meditation'
Time Magazine Cover Story, August 4, 2003

'Just say Om'
by Joel Stein
Time Magazine, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003

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