If their conversation was, as Judy and Robin claim, a "spoof", then both Judy and Robin stand self-condemned. Most readers here take these messages at face value, as being true. If Judy and Robin are spoofing us, then they stand as two of the biggest FFL fibbers of all time. All true spoofs are false, even if effective. If it was not a spoof, it stands on it's own as a condemnation of Ms Stein.

Either way, it's lesson in the amount of deception a person can stoop to in order to deceive - it's trickery. If it was a spoof, that makes Robin look like the trickster he really is and has been for a long time. Gullible students may have fallen for his tricks in the past, but Robin may have hoisted himself on his own petard with this post. Go figure.

On 12/26/2013 11:38 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:

    << You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed
    Judy to the wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is
    a parody, then a monkey is flying out of my butt. Go figure.

I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a parody. Go figure. I even have it documented in a private email. Go figure some more. >>

Whoops, watch out for the monkeys flying out of Richard's butt! They're pelting him with poo, but they're laughing so hard at him that their aim is a bit off. You don't want to get in the line of fire.

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. We were pretty pleased with ourselves, I must confess.
*Yes, it was one of the first times that he really had a good chuckle with me about this conversation between you two. He thought it was bloody hilarious and I don't really think he imagined for a moment that anyone would take it seriously. However, he didn't care what anyone believed, I don't think, he just was having far too much fun with you on this one. I don't think he realized how "irony challenged" many people are at FFL or even how they would be willing to, at any opportunity, use the seeming ambiguity of whether or not it was irony, to some silly advantage to "win" an argument.*

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