It's starting to look like Judy is taking me seriously. LoL!

Back on Google Groups I must have posted at least a thousand on-topic messages to the group without a single comment from Judy. At the time I figured she didn't have any comments to post because what I posted was so cogent and clear that there was no need for a reply. Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. And, besides, what can anyone say about an on-topic cogent message - "Me too?"

Then, shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, I posted a few political comment defending the reasons why the President and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry supported the decision by the U.S. Congress to go in and determine if Saddam had WMD or not. That set Judy off on a decade long attempt to discredit me, calling me a liar and a troll, thousands of times, and attempting to get others to shun me. It was a remarkable case of stalking and abuse. Almost pathological. Go figure.

On 12/27/2013 7:34 AM, wrote:

*As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken **seriously.*

<< Obviously Judy maintains a database of messages she copies from the forum and keeps them in a folder for future use. It's probably a folder marked "FFL", and in a sub-category a folder marked "share", right under a folder marked "barry" and then one marked "willytex"; this last folder is probably where Judy stores her macros. It used to be she could easily do a Search on Yahoo Groups, but these days with the advent of NEO it would be easier to just store the posts she wants to re-post later to comment on. This is a sure sign of an obsessive character trait. Go figure. >>

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