Just so Richard doesn't confuse you, Seraphita, there's been no dispute about 
Mary M. having been the first to see the risen Christ according to Matthew, 
Mark, and John.

 Luke is the outlier: he says the women were told by two men, presumably 
angels, at the tomb that Christ had risen, whereupon the women ran to tell the 
(male) disciples what the men had told them. As you suggest, the disciples 
didn't believe the women, according to Luke, and Peter himself ran to the tomb 
to see. But he didn't see the risen Christ then either.
 Re "According to the Bible, Mary Magdalen was the first to see the risen 

 Indeed. Now bear in mind that in those far-off days a woman's testimony would 
be regarded as very much inferior to a male witness. If the Gospel writers were 
making the story up would they have chosen Mary as a witness to that pivotal 
event rather than, say, Peter?

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