Re "When you add in Iamblicus’s idea that humans were so fallen they couldn’t 
return to the gods by theoria (thus needing theurgic erôs/philia":
 Presumably that was based on his own experience and observation of his fellow 
Platonists' struggles. Not so different to Indian ideas about the kali yuga and 
so us needing some kick-arse tantric techniques to liven us up.

 Re " theologians used Platonic themes to advance their cause because 
Christianity was bereft of any substantive content in itself.":
 Because Christianity isn't a philosophy its a "Way". They used contemporary 
Platonic categories in the same way a modern theologian would use scientific 
 Re "Nice that you even know about the Platonic tradition.":
 Yes, it was coming across excerpts in anthologies of Stephen MacKenna's 
acclaimed translation of the Enneads that intrigued me. (Ie, it was a 
*literary* thing.) The later Neos like Proclus and Iamblichus are unreadable 
except by professors in ivory towers.
 Have you read "Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision" by Pierre Hadot? Aimed at 
the layman and grounded in spiritual experience (not getting tied up in 
conceptual knots).

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