Corrections below:

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:



 ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> No brag just fact. 

 I'm pointing out that the "fact" you're so proud of is something that most 
people worth knowing got over a long time ago -- being "deadly serious" about 
something as silly as religion. 

Just to offer a contrast, "Buck," my father was raised in a Quaker household, 
too. But he lived his entire life without ever saying a word about it to any of 
his kids. It wasn't that it didn't mean anything to him. Quite the contrary. It 
meant enough to him that he kept it to himself and never talked about what he 
thought or what he believed to anyone else. What they believed was their 
business, and what he believed was his business. Now *that* is doing Quakerism 

Trying to sound more holy or more evolved or more *anything* because of some 
shit you do that you call religion? That's just posturing and ego-masturbation 
and embarrassing. Being "deadly serious" about it? Even more embarrassing. 

 Just as you think what Buck does, feels and says is embarrassing so you need 
to take a look at how seriously you feel the need to put down those who 
actually believe in some greater force in their lives. Just because you gave up 
on any redeeming reason for why we all bother to get out of bed in the morning 
doesn't mean you need to poo poo others who have a larger vision than you do. 
You just became disillusioned and bitter at some point in your seeking - you 
came across too many charlatans or those you came to lose faith in, for faith 
you did once possess. But now at 70 years old you've come to the realization it 
all means squat and you will die and stay dead - forever. Fine, but before you 
go, why not set yourself out a little test, you like tests, and see if you can 
stop feeling so agitated every time you come across someone less jaded than 

 > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> --- In, wrote: 
> > 
> > Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I 
> > take that very seriously and even deadly seriously, which is why I am in 
> > Fairfield, Iowa as an attender of the large group meditations in the Golden 
> > Domes of the Fairfield meditating community. 
> Well, if you want to brag about something (being serious) that many people 
> would perceive as a weakness or a failing, that's your business. 
> "Seriousness is not a virtue." - G.K. Chesterton 


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