Funny thing how one of the members of this forum recently claimed that the 
state of non-attachment, could be learned, consciously. This means that the 
individual, the ego, takes the responsibility for dissolving itself. Can anyone 
say, "fox guarding the hen house"?? lol

Such a misguided idea, this "noggin-attachment", and a huge waste of time. This 
idea of *developing* "non-attachment", began with the misinterpretation of what 
are known as the limbs of enlightenment. Instead of the teachers recognizing, 
that the limbs grow simultaneously, vs. sequentially, they fucked the whole 
thing up.

These teachers, of incorrect knowledge, teach the limbs as a path, or a series 
of stages, tied to conscious development, by the ego, of its supposed 
It is possibly a fun game, to pretend to be distanced from experience, and 
supposedly non-attached, but it is in the end a huge sacrifice of human life, 
towards mood-making, and false hope.

Non-attachment cannot be learned, or faked, or thought into. It is a natural 
conditioning of the nervous system that accompanies, rather than leads, 
Enlightenment. There is no possibility of being just 90% or 75% or 32% attached 
to experience, the play of the three gunas, and its resulting karma. It is all 
or nothing. Any other attempt shows up as strained behavior, with an implicit 
idea, of how this non-attachment is supposed to *feel*; life on Fantasy Island, 
and nothing more.

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