You state this very clear Dr.D, wonderful ! But how can those who do not 
develop Being understand what you are talking about when all the religions are 
there with all their authority and power and what not, keep muddeling the minds 
of men telling them more or less the exact opposite ?  
 People WANT to hear that you don't need to spend time on any Sadhana because 
they are lazy. One fellow on FFL even claimed he already was enlightenmened, so 
no need for Sadhana - some Lama guy with a funny hat had told him. It's much 
easier to listen to such a fellow who speaks with authority, even claiming to 
represent thousands of years of wisdom, than some Californian dude :-)

 "The first step demands Satyam (the truth) - that which never changes, Samadi. 
Being in the beginning and Being in the end. This is the state of union, the 
beginning and end of Yoga." - Maharishi

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