---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 On 2/2/2014 1:51 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > First off the early levels of tantra have nothing to do with sex and 
 > even if the cremation grounds ritual is required to be an archaya some 
 > paths (including mine) have replacements for that. Even "wine" can be 
 > replaced by fruit juice in tantric rituals. Bet you didn't know that!
 There is no substitute for actual tantric ritual coitus - anybody who 
 says that sex has no part in tantra is deceiving themselves - sex has 
 everything to do with tantra. Tantra is for householders, not for monks 
 or nuns. Apparently you're not reading the Kama Sutra. My advice to you 
 would be get in shape and attach yourself to a real live shakti - before 
 your palms grow hair. It's not complicated.

 Funny post, Ricky. But how come no one seems to know what Tantra is all about 
around here? Sex, no sex, sex drinking fruit juice, to wear mittens or not to 
wear mittens (based on the hirsute nature of one's palms), I mean what gives? I 
thought all you guys were experts. What's all that time reading and sitting in 
lecture halls amounted to? Confusion, apparently, that's what.

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