And you would see more Adventists in one day in Loma Linda than most people would see in a whole year elsewhere. What's your point?

There is a good chance that a certain percentage of baby boomers you meet on the street may have tried TM back in the 60s or 70s. The vast majority practiced for awhile and either quit or moved on and some may still practice occasionally. But the same can be said for other paths too. As for Hollywood you could also find that a number pop stars and actors tried TM around the time the Beatles got involved because it was "all the rage" back then and next came EST and next came .... Get the point? Go figure.

On 02/05/2014 04:48 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/5/2014 12:59 PM, Share Long wrote:
> thanks for vote of confidence but I'm really out of all the TMO loops.
You are more in the loop that most informants posting here - you
probably see more TMers in a day than some people see in a whole year.
According to my sources, most of the MUM students are on Facebook. There
is at least one TM Governor lurking on this forum and two Rajas that I
know of. Go figure.

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